“Just The Facts”
- The fibers in microfiber material are so tiny and dense that they create more surface area from dirt and dust to cling to, making Microfiber a superior material for cleaning.
- Microfiber can to hold 7 times its own weight in liquid. It quickly absorbs instead of pushing water on a surface
- Microfiber is positively charged which attracts negatively charged dirt like a magnet and holds onto it.
- Microfiber cleans effectively without chemicals
Simply put, microfiber cleaning products work because each tiny little fiber has an incredible amount of surface area. This means there is more space for dirt and liquid to bond to.
In the last fifteen years the popularity of microfiber cleaning products such as towels, mops, and dusters has grown exponentially. The reason for this popularity is simple, they’re extremely effective. Microfiber products clean with less effort than traditional methods and often without the need of additional chemicals. Microfiber cleaning products are also more ergonomic than traditional cleaning equipment.
Split Microfiber
For microfiber to be effective as a cleaning product it has to be split microfiber. If microfiber isn’t split during manufacturing it isn’t much more than a very soft cloth, duster or mop. Microfiber that is used in clothing, furniture and other applications isn’t split because it isn’t designed to be absorbent, just soft. It’s important when buying microfiber cleaning products to make sure that they’re split. When buying from a retail store if the packaging doesn’t say its split, don’t assume it is. One way to determine if the microfiber is split is to run the palm of your hand over it. If it grabs the imperfections on your skin then it’s split. Another way is to pour a small amount of water on a table and take a towel or mop and try to push the water. If the water is pushed it’s not split microfiber, if the water is absorbed or sucked into the fabric then it is split microfiber.
In addition to the open spaces in the fibers created during the splitting process, microfiber is an effective cleaning tool because the fibers are positively charged. Dirt and dust are negatively charged so they are literally attracted to microfiber like a magnet. The microfiber holds on to the dust and dirt until it’s released in the laundering process or when it’s rinsed out.
Post time: Oct-13-2022